Category: News

Strategies to reduce plastics in commercial establishments on Copacabana beach

As part of the Circular Beach Project – an initiative of the Circular Plastics in The Americas Programme (CPAP) –, BVRio has produced a report that outlines strategies for reducing the use of plastics in the different types of commercial establishments participating in the project on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The report […]


BVRio delivers joint position on Minimum Requirements of Verified Plastic Recovery Units at INC-3

Next week, BVRio will be in Nairobi participating in the UNEP Third Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) meeting, which aims to develop an international legally binding instrument – a Global Treaty – on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. As a long term advocate for, and developer of, solutions which support and include informal waste […]


Trash Tech – how a mobile app for recycling, that doesn’t even require the user to have a phone, is helping waste pickers grow their income and their business

Over the last 18 months in Brazil, Vietnam and Mozambique, informal waste pickers have been using smartphone technology to coordinate the sale of recyclable waste, resulting in increased income for themselves and improved recycling rates in the cities where they operate. There are an estimated 20+ million informal waste pickers in the world, living mostly […]


Deforestation risk assessment tool hits 11,000 searches in first three months

BVRio’s new free soy production map and tool for assessing deforestation and conversion of native vegetation at the farm level for production areas in the Brazilian Cerrado region, has seen over 11,000 searches conducted in its first three months, by 1,400 unique users.  “The speed at which this tool has been used is fantastic, and […]


BVRio joins knowledge exchange mission to foster plastic circularity in Brazil

Last week, BVRio participated in a crucial international mission in Europe, at the invitation of the Circular Plastics in The Americas Program (CPAP) – Brazil & Colombia. BVRio joined the high-profile Brazilian delegation that included experts from the public and private sectors. The primary focus of the mission was to engage in discussions about opportunities […]


‘Fishing for Litter’ expanded with funding from Ocyan

BVRio’s ‘Fishing for Litter’ project, which sees urban waste collected by artisan fishers, is expanding operations in the port area of Rio de Janeiro with support from Ocyan, an energy company in Brazil and abroad. The company will finance the collection of waste by approximately 20 fishers from two fishing villages in Guanabara Bay, specifically […]


BVRio contributes to the development of an inclusive UN Plastics Treaty

BVRio actively participated in the Economist Impact’s Global Plastics Summit, in Bangkok last week, which aimed to support the negotiations of the UN treaty against plastic pollution. BVRio provided a critical perspective on social inclusion, emphasising the importance of a just and inclusive transition within the plastics treaty, drawing from our extensive experience creating waste […]


BVRio appointed member of Rio State Climate Change Forum

BVRio was appointed as a member of the Rio de Janeiro State Forum on Climate Change during a ceremony on September 21st. The event gathered representatives from public authorities and civil society. The Forum is now the state’s primary governing body on global climate change and sustainable development, as mandated by state policy. BVRio is […]


BVRio teams up with EnClim to expand ‘Fishing for Litter’ project

BVRio has partnered with EnClim, a research and consulting company focused on smart strategies for a future of net zero, in an advisory capacity to help us expand the scope of the project ‘Fishing for Litter‘ in Brazil.  The project addresses the solid waste problem in the marine environment by offering local fishing colonies an […]


Zero deforestation Brazilian soy fund expanded

The Responsible Commodities Facility (RCF) Cerrado Programme fund has been expanded more than four-fold to US$47 million, through an innovative blended finance structure.  The RCF, for which BVRio coordinates the independent Environmental Committee, was launched in August 2022 with an initial investment of US$11m by Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose. For the 2023/24 growing season the […]